
this photo of an installation of found objects by sonja ahlers really says to me what is in the consciousness of a lot of us right now. i keep seeing lace, doilies, natural woods, vintage ephemera, black and whites.

you may remember i did a post on sonja last november at my gocco workshop.

i would really like to hear what you're seeing in design that hasn't been mentioned here. please leave a comment.

Jan Halvarson


    lisa solomon said...

    i think woodland imagery is also big right now! sort of mixed with a fairy tale childlike thing....

    i'd say things twinged w/ an ironic nostalgia too... [like 70's bicycles]

    and chandeliers... [i have to say as much as i like them i think i'm officially over them]

    love this shot though.... xo

    Anonymous said...

    hey poppy!

    have you been to the portobello west market? ... local! fun!