the thing

this sounds like a super cool way to collect real art! the thing is an object-based quarterly publication. each issue of the thing will be conceived of by an individual artist, wrapped by the editors (john herschend and will rogan) and sent to the subscribers. the first four artists creating objects for the thing are: miranda july; ann walsh, kota ezawa and trisha donnelly. to subscribe click here.

(thanks lisa for the tip!)

Jan Halvarson


    Anonymous said...

    What a great idea, and how cool to receive wonderful surprise packages.

    jade said...

    You have been officially along, won't you........xoxox

    Players list 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, players then tag 8 people by posting their names and make sure they know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at the tagee’s blog.

    Anonymous said...

    I love this idea and signed up for it so I can't wait for the first one to arrive. thanks for featuring.

    Unknown said...

    this is so cool

    lisa solomon said...

    yay yay!!! so glad you [and readers] are into this. the people involved are just fantastic!!

    Jan Halvarson said...

    thanks for all your comments and the tip lisa - now i'm saving my pennies....

    Aline said...

    i LOVE miranda july's work. it may just be worth to shell out $120 bucks just for her package alone! thanks so much for sharing this project....I'll be saving my pennies too.

    Anonymous said...

    sounds like a fabulous thing!!