favorite interiors from skona hem (nr 12)

a few favorites from sköna hem (nr 12). home of stylist designer jennifer jansch; (loving her blue plate collection and placement and the dining room chairs).

a gorgeous bench, room full of collections and a cozy bedroom from the family home of lena widenfelt.

Jan Halvarson

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Stephanie said...

great pictures! where in vancouver did you find skona hem? i've been looking for it with no luck (tried sophia's and the magazine store on w. 4th)

Aesthetic Outburst... said...

What a beautiful home...I especially love the paint detail in the bedroom (they left about an inch around the edge of the wall). So cool.

perfectbound said...

i'm coveting that magazine over here. the photos look amazing (as do the homes). we don't get many good foreign magazines in winnipeg :-(

lisa solomon said...

the last three. wow. perfect.

mkendall said...

I am in love with that third room! Thanks for sharing. You have a fantastic blog.