notebooks from one good bumblebee

set of three journals from susy jack

sketchbook from lu summers

shadow pods moleskine cahier journal notebooks from goshdarnknit

deer notebooks by the great lakes

Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
This is one amazing website!!I spent 2 days pouring over this!!!!You must google and check out orly cogans embroidery!!She is one amazingg artist!!
cheers nicki irvin
These products are great. I love those notebooks by one good bumble bee. She always makes great stuff, how does she do it? :)
Also love the cabin + cub notes, like a said all are great!
Awesome about being the featured buyer over at etsy!
Love the notebooks. And the little toy dogs are absolutely inspired! I need little toy dogs.
Love the squirrel notebooks from cabin+cub. Really sweet vintage aesthetic. Suzy Jack is just downright inspiring. Love Poppytalk...such a daily joy for me!
Simply inspiring. Great blog full of great ideas.
Hope you can stop by the shiny squirrel and see some great new products...I just put up some moleskine journals that are really beautiful by Fisk and Fern.
i was JUST thinking about making journals today. hmmmmm :D
thank you so much for the mention...and right under my friend lu summers, too! happy handmade holidays, all.
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