happy holidays

we'll be off for the next couple of days to take in some holiday activities, but back on the 26th to set up the poppytalk handmade boxing week sale, (psssst! some good deals already to be had!) see you back then! best wishes! (banner from small stump; wall from our dining room - waiting to be reno'd).

Jan Halvarson


    Anonymous said...

    Wishing you a lovely and joyous holiday! :)

    Fiona Cartolina said...

    Merry Xmas Jan - from snowy Nelson BC.
    All the best - F.

    Anonymous said...

    hi jan,

    thanks so much for finding such marvelous and inspiring things for us to enjoy (and now purchase with your handmade market)! i can't wait to see all the wonderful things you showcase next year. have a merry holiday and a healthy and fun-filled 2008! :)

    small stump said...

    love the banner on your wall in progress! happy holidays, jill

    lisa solomon said...

    happy holidays friend...
    i love that banner on your waiting to be reno'd wall. it's beautiful