laundry day + organization

organizing just seems to come with january, and this year the longing to get more organized is that much stronger than any other year, (part of that may be because we have been living in reno-land for a year and a half and no where near completion); but there has to be a way for both, no? so what does a laundry room have to do with this you ask. nothing. this one from february's canadian house & home just looks so organized and i really like two things about it. the pegboard and pegboard accessories (the pods are from ikea) and that nice little skirt around that sink, they make the room don't you think? i'm off to home depot (for the peg board and accessories) to get some sort of sense of something. (photo's by mark burstyn for h&h).

Jan Halvarson

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mod*mom said...

hi poppy!
the utility room looks great with the ikea shelves i've been admiring. a magazine is asking to do a photo spread of my home. exciting, but scary.

Jenn Ski said...

Wow what a great room! I've always wanted to use peg board.

Jan Halvarson said...

modmom - how exciting! tell me when - i'd love to see!

jenn ski - me too! ever since i saw design sponge's

Michelle said...

that laundry room is amazing! the one in my building looks like a dungeon haha

Unknown said...

l love the beige with red accent rug. can someone tell me where to get that!

Cakespy said...

You're totally inspiring me here. I really need to revamp my workspace, and love the peg board idea.

Anonymous said...

That's it. I've been toying with the idea of pegboard organizing in my soon to be work space for ages, now I'm convinced, sure would free up surface areas. I may just get some podlings for it while I'm out of town and shopping at Ikea. Thanks for the inspiration.

clinka said...

i think the ikea pods may soon sell out... any idea where the sink skirt is from?

EnchantedMusing said...

oh!! i SO love your blog! i just recently found you and i really like the stuff you put up.

and the timing is perfect for me. i too am wanting to organize and one of the things i want is a painted pegboard (and yes, framed!). that photo just made me stop and drool!! thank you for sharing.

Jan Halvarson said...

clinka: the fabric is by manuel canovas (1486-01) Misia Multicolore, Primavera Furnishings (for the trade), toronto (416)921-3334

deepfriedghost: the rug is from urban outfitters

Babelfish said...

Love the peg board idea, it's so flexible, and the ikea pods are wonderful! Good luck with organising your place.

lisa solomon said...

i WISH my laundry room looked like that!

Anonymous said...

Reno-Land! What a small world that's were we live:) We've been here since May. Maybe we're neighbors, ha ha. Our house is under major major renovations and I've been itching to organize my laundry space in my basement. It would be great to see something completed in this old house of mine. I think I'll make my own trip to home depot tomorrow:)
The pictures are great!

Oorbee said...


the beige rug with red accents is from ikea!

thanks to jan for posting our old place, the article has motivated us to get moving on our new place!


Anonymous said...

I love the wall color in the laundry room! Can someone tell me what it is?