half awake (miniatures) by erin tyner

erin tyner has created these diorama dream-like settings and then photographed them and made into a series entitled, "half awake". she's currently selling them in her etsy shop, here.

Jan Halvarson

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Fiona Cartolina said...

we love these!
(I would spend hours looking at them, tho!)

Erin Tyner said...

Thank you so much for posting this on PoppyTalk! This miniature series has been so fun to create :)

Holly said...

Holy wow! Those are eerily amazing! Thank you SO MUCH for posting about this artist. I'm off to buy some of her prints! :0)

Di Overton said...

These are beautiful and so clever

sulu-design said...

Very interesting. You'd probably be interested in the gorgeous work of David Levinthal - he's worth checking out.

Prêt à Voyager said...


Anonymous said...

just catching up on your posts jan... i looove this series, so so much! (miniatures are my weakness, :)

happy weekend!

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

i always loved making dioramas for my book reports in elementary school. these photos are amazing!

Dongedy said...

I'm a photographer of dioramas too. I love Erin's ones because of their softness. Nice artwork !