pretty windy prints

Jess Gonacha and Renee of Wolfie and the Sneak have collaborated together to on a pair of prints inspired by the wonders of wind power, and the nostalgia of kite flying. they'll be officially unveiling their prints this saturday, June 7th at the Indie Craft Experience (ICE) in Atlanta. For the great price of $25, not only will they bring a little (actually a lot of) sunshine to your walls, 20% of each sale will be donated to The Georgia Solar Energy Association, a non-profit organization that focuses on education and awareness of alternative energy sources, including wind power. After June 7th, the print sets will be available in both of our etsy shops.

Jan Halvarson


    Fiona Cartolina said...

    I really enjoy jess gonacha's work. She has a lot of great energy and impulse in her paintings that I find really inspiring and refreshing - {she also has a nice blog!}

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you for posting this, Jan!!!