phm studio spaces: Brooklyn Rehab


Artist Name: Alyssa Zygmunt
Blog: coming soon
City: Brooklyn


Where is your studio?
I live in it. It's everywhere. Space is a luxury in New York City. Books in the kitchen and a bike in the living room is not an uncommon practice here. As an avid collector it was even more important for me to learn the art of displaying, storing, and rotating my obsessions.

What equipment/tools do you use?
Gocco Machine, Paper, Stamps, Punches, Vintage Trim, Powershot SD400 Digital Elph, Lowel Digital Imaging Light, HP Color Laser Printer

Do you have an inspiration board, and can you tell us what is inspiring you now?
I live life with my eyes wide open. I'm always seeing inspiration in store windows, blogs, magazines, museums, and flea markets. I'm addicted to supplies and trying new techniques. I have just about anything you could ever want from glass etching kits to ceramic molds that I made myself. I keep most of my ideas in my head but I do store leftover paper scraps, tears from magazines, and random findings on clip boards.


How do you create best?
I would not call what I do creating in the traditional artistic sense. It is more like curating, arranging and combining interesting things in new ways. These moments often happen weekend mornings after building up ideas while day dreaming at my corporate fashion design job. If I could, I'd collect and craft all day long from the back of my real store. One day I hope!!!

Please take a tour of my home here

List (3) of your favorite artists

Helga Steppan
Chris Kenny
Judith Hoefel

If yours isn't, what would be your perfect studio?
More natural sunlight. As you can see from the pictures that there is no direct sunlight. Luckily my little balcony and backyard are easily within reach.


Thanks Alyssa!

Jan Halvarson


    petitchat said...

    Great pics of very interesting items! We all live in and among design, but some like you have a third eye to see it all. Thanks for sharing your studio/home. We look forward to more from you ...

    Fiona Cartolina said...

    Beautiful vignettes.
    Great photos.

    Babelfish said...

    Her studio is so tidy! I love the idea of inspiration clip boards.