Today we're having a mini-giveaway, it's courtesy of us here at Poppytalk and it's a set of 3 Field Notes memo books (and maybe a few other things we've got kicking around)! In celebration of our 4000th post (which was about a 100 posts back - and zipped by), we thought we'd do a little mini giveaway for fun. So to enter, just leave a comment here, telling us what your favorite shelter magazine is. This is going to be a fast one, so we'll pick the winner tonight at around 9pm!
Domino is still my favorite, consistently. Why are they so GOOD at it?! ;)
I would probably have to go with ReadyMade, I mean, I don't think its specifically a "shelter" magazine. But it does have a ton of stuff that I use in and make for my apartment! Domino comes in a close second.
I happen to love Dwell, mainly because I'm an environmental engineering major and Dwell's focus on sustainable design is fascinating. Green design is so important for our planet!!
Real Simple! Love that mag!
I love Real Simple too. Don't get to do much mag reading these days now that we are abroad and the cost of abroad subscriptions are crazy expensive! :( But a cool field notes memo book would come in quite handy :)
I love Toast, which is technically a catalog I guess. Dwell really is great, too.
This really hard. I love so many. The one I'm reading most is Cottage Living.
i can't help it...i'm a sucker for domino.
I love the Aussie version of Real Living and Real Simple comes in a close second for me.
dwell is my favorite.
Hmmm. Domino I suppose. Although to be honest, I mostly flip through it while still in store. Since purchasing magazines doesn't fit into the budget of a new homeowner. Quite a catch-22 isn't it?
Congrats on your 4K post!
are there shelter magazines in the UK? iv not heard of them therefore a bit lost with this one, but id REALLY like to enter the giveaway. congrats on the 4000 mark, im loving the blog :)
I lke Dwell. I love your blog!
Cottage Living for me! <3
Coastal Living is mine!
Can I name 3? (I'm addicted, what can I say!!)
1. Domino, 2. ReadyMade, 3. Wallpaper
And holy moley! Congrats on 4k! That's a lot of great posting!
I still love Blueprint (rip) but now I'd have to say Domino.. how can you not love Domino?
Does Selvedge count?
I love Dwell. It takes me away to a wonderful world I'd love to be in...at least for 20 minutes or so. Ready Made is completely wonderful as well.
I would have to agree with everyone else here. Domino and Ready Made. Old issues of Blueprint as well. :(
Congratulations!!! Good work!
Mine is Marie Claire idées (French) and Rakan (Italian)
I'm in the UK and so I'd have to say Living etc. So hip.
While I'm certainly a Food & Wine junkie, there isn't another magazine I receive that gives me the thrill of my monthly Domino. I all but rip it out the mailbox and immediately tear into it. I have so much anticipation for that mag!
And 4000 posts! WOW. Congrats!!
I have to go with Living Etc - although Domino is sooo good, and much cheaper!
Dwell was a fave for a long while, but it's become rather formulaic. This Old House, as cheesy as it may be, still is worthy of a flip-through once in a while. Fine Homebuilding is great for those interested in the craft of building the structure itself.
Usually, though, it's the Australian rags that have the most appeal. They're modern architecture seems to have a lot of purpose down there. As such, I'd for for 'Houses' as my choice.
Domino magazine is just lovely - I must agree with everyone!
ReadyMade tops my list (I also look at my few old issues of Blueprint a lot)!
There are so many it's hard to choose just one! But I guess I'd have to go with Domino.
I love Domino, too. =)
Readymade! Such a creative, well done publication. Mmm...inspiration.
Definitely Living Etc. It's the best! For those in the U.S., you can usually find it at Borders.
I like Real Simple, but I've heard so much about Domino that I may have to check it out soon!
Yup. Domino and Dwell!
Cottage Living is my favorite. The blueprints and before/after reconstruction bits excite the wannabe architect in me.
Cottage Living has recently been feeding my addiction of constant daydreaming what my ultimate home will look like . . . or at least the next one after we get out of our itsy bitsy apartment next summer! hello to indianapolis and more spacious city living! i absolutely cannot wait.
Adorable! Loving that Futura font as well!
I'm not sure it counts, but my fave is ME's Home Companion tons of cute things and artist features. I heard somewhere they're going to stop printing it though. :(
readymade, for sure.
readymade, readymade, readymade! although i almost always pick up a domino as well. love them both.
I still reference my old (and sacred!) copies of Blueprint - but Dwell is always a fun treat to get in the mail and see what color the masthead will be that issue.
Thanks for the post!
Readymade is my favorite. hands down.
I l-o-v-e Real Simple! I can't get enough of their cute paper cutout intro pages, their great DIY projects, and the overall design of the magazine is just so great!
Thanks for this fun giveaway and congrats on the landmark post! :)
Domino is consistently my favorite, but I also like Dwell and Sunset.
Domino has to be it. Although I received my first issue of DoveTales Antiques & Home yesterday and it's fabulous!
Domino...aspirational and reasonable.
And, wow, that's a lot of posts :)
Real Simple. It's more consistent with my style than Domino, and more accessible than Dwell. Though I have subscriptions to all three! :)
Domino and Living Etc! I'm sure this would be harder if we got more international magazines here.
Happy 400th!
I like Dwell, but I have to say my favorite is Atomic Ranch.
The late, lamented Blueprint!
Although I do love ReadyMade too.
Congratulations on reaching 4000!
Domino is consistently my favorite magazine.
Me, I'm going to go with Domino. Also, I just wanted to say that, having recently moved to Vancouver, your blog has been a godsend in pointing me towards crafty/designy places I would never have heard of otherwise, so thanks!
I miss Blueprint, but still love Dwell and Domino. I was totally bummed went Blueprint went away!
Love Dwell and Domino. :-) Like everyone else.
I have to go with Real Simple - that's the magazine that ends up with the most dog-eared pages each month, and that's got to mean something.
Real Simple, Readymade, Blueprint, Dwell and Domino are undoubtly great mags. But i have an immense passion on LoftLife.
ah! so difficult! i saw someone mentioned the catalog Toast, which i adore as well. Other than that, I have to say I'd go with Real Simple...or possibly Dwell. Ahh to hard to choose!
domino for sure! even though a lot of the stuff is out of my price range - like $5k couches, i love looking at the pics!
Real Simple! There is nothing better! It answers all the questions about life that I never even knew I had.
I love love love House & Home!
Dwell is the best, even if most of it is out of reach.
Readymade, such a great place find inspiration!
ya for free stuff. I wish I'd known sooner cuz I just posted on all the giveaways I knew about. More for me to try for I guess.. fingers crossed.
it's readymade for sure!!
I love me some Real Simple.
Thank you everyone for your comments - the giveaway is now closed. Stay tuned for the announcement!
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