Modern, Authentic & Handmade


When I was asked back in October while preparing for our profile in Canadian House and Home's Trends Issue about what "Look for 2009" I liked, I had suggested authentic, beloved and personal. And what I meant by that is specifically was displaying favorite mementos, art pieces from favorite artists, found things like beach wood, pinecones and river rocks, collections and heirloom objects. Handmade pieces and repurposed things. Things that are close to you and have meaning. I found a few images to sort of show what I mean by that. I love this first photo (above) from O at Home (Winter 2008) from the Nova Scotian home of Alexandra and Eliot Angle. I love the mix of modern (the bed) with handcrafted items (like the twine side table). And below again, modern or even mid-century modern mixed with the wicker chairs, and the collected stones and found objects (antlers?) displayed almost in a way that doesn't look pre-meditated. Also notice the lighting in them both (again modern). Love this. Good samples of this is Twistypine Wallpaper by Handmade Wallpaper and Bookhou's chair (far below). I don't know what this style would be labeled at, any suggestions? Modern & Handmade? Canadian House and Home had one called Modern Craft, which is close to what I was thinking, maybe just without the "collections" part.


Picture 11

Photo Credits: Canadian House and Home - Trends Iissue- photography by Angus Fergusson; O at Home - Winter 2008 issue - Photo by Lucas Allen

Jan Halvarson


    Chakra Pennywhistle said...

    I love that chair! Is that felt? This was such a neat post to wake up to :) Such an exciting trend. I like "modern craft". I am also partial to "modern folk". Not sure if that would fit....

    Ashes and Milk said...

    Wonderful article and I love your selections. -Especially love the like the twine side table.

    Thank you for sharing!


    Fiona Cartolina said...

    Great post Jan!

    Anonymous said...

    Is it weird that I simultaneously love and hate that bizarre felted chair? At least now that I know it's a chair for children I can stop lusting after it.

    Anonymous said...

    I love it all. Great finds :)

    Unknown said...

    Great finds! I really love the first picture!

    Jan Halvarson said...

    Thanks everyone for your comments.

    AshleyL. said...

    OH! I love that first picture! So inspiring! :)

    Anonymous said...

    Hello Poppytalk!
    I love your market, & your beautiful, calming blog, but am afraid I won't be able to read your blog any longer. The photos & writing are both wonderful, and there are always so many great products & ideas, but the flashing ads on the right of the screen are awful. I'm left stressed-out & headachey, instead of relaxed & inspired! Good luck, & all the best,

    lisa solomon said...

    hmmm modern craft doesn't quite cut it for me... but i can't think of a better alternative. crafted contemporary? [nope]. maybe it will come to me at 4am....

    Jan Halvarson said...

    lisa, i look forward to what you come up with.

    Anonymous said...

    i am wondering if you guys have any guesses as to where that swing light is from (top photo)? i'd really love to get my hands on something like that. . . but i haven't been able to come across anything even remotely similar. thoughts?

    Jan Halvarson said...

    i know it's lovely, i'll see if i can find my copy of this magazine ...

    Anonymous said...

    thank you! i'd be so grateful of any help!

    Jan Halvarson said...

    you are in luck!

    It's the Le Klint 332