Caroline Swift


Beautiful porcelain spoons and leaves by Caroline Swift. Spoons available at Horne. (Via Oh Joy).

Jan Halvarson

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Anonymous said...

Those spoons are so beautiful and unusual... gret find.

Ju said...

just having a catch up with my favourite blogs and am blown away by how FANTASTIC poppytalk is looking!!! Awesome awesome job :)

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks Ju!

Fiona Cartolina said...

I love these spoons - they are so sculptural and ethereal. I am going to go and check to make sure they are functional - and if they are I am am going to scoop them up, just for me.

Thanks Jan!

Anonymous said...

oh swoon! these are stunning- you always find the best loot!! Thanks for sharing with us : )

Anonymous said...

I love, absolutely beautiful. Thank you for the post!

Anonymous said...

Those spoons are amazing!