Inspiration from Stockholm

skonahemLove these colorful bottles holding candles. Photo: Per Gunnarsson

A little inspiration today from Skönahem magazine online and the home of Stockholm artist, Maria Adlersson. Love her paintings and how she has chosen white walls which accentuate her paintings and subsequently the colored accessories are emphasized. See more online here.

Picture 5A fun little book nook, with the blue barn door (and a bike seat attached to the wall)? Photo: Per Gunnarsson

skonahemMatchboxes set in a frame for a unique piece of wall art (see art displayed on wall below). Photo: Per Gunnarsson

Picture 11 Photo: Per Gunnarsson

Jan Halvarson


Coco Cake Land said...

clean, bright white walls.. hmm, time for a paint job for me???

Macy Dawn said...

Ok. The matchboxes are seriously awesome! I love creative people!