free wallpapers


Happy Monday everyone! It's a holiday here in most parts of Canada (Victoria Day) - and we 're excited to share some first-ever Poppytalk wallpapers (just for fun)! We've been needing a little inspiration lately, and so we’ve created a few wallpapers with inspiration in mind. A couple with inspirational quotes, and a couple, well, just cake by itself we think should do the trick, and maybe a dip in a pool? All photo’s taken by me. Click here to find the complete set on flickr. In case you were wondering, the cake image is from Front, a store here in Vancouver that had this awesome window display a few years back (2005) - see original post about it here; and the bridge photo is of the Burrard Bridge taken from a highrise on Beach Avenue years ago with a very cheap camera. Noteworthy: The inspiratonal quote pieces were inspired by MSU student, Claire Gipson - see our post about her here.

Poppytalk wallpapers

Jan Halvarson

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Mixing Bowl Mama said...

The photo of the cakes is brilliant.....I just love it.

Fiona Cartolina said...

Those cakes are fantastic!
What are they made of Jan? Are they real cakes? Or are they models?
Very cool!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks - they are made of paper!

Anonymous said...

Am I alone in thinking paper cakes are wrong? They may be better for the thighs but how disappointing if you bit into one ;)

Nolar Dog said...

I chose the gym.

Great "freebie"!
Thanks v. much :)

amy dame said...

perhaps i'm missing something, but i think you need to set the flickr pics differently to allow us to see all sizes and save them. right now they're protected, and if you try saving them, it's a gif titled spaceball, which is blank.

they're fabulous desktops though, i can't decide which i like best! the cakes are of course wonderful, but the wood (it looks like a gymnasium floor?) totally caught my eye as well. thanks!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks Amy - I think i fixed that, let me know though if it still doesn't work for you.