Hulaseventy loves lists!

I'm Andrea from Hula Seventy and I love lists. From now on, I'll be sharing some sort of list with you each week and let me tell you, that makes me happy. I'm hoping it will make you happy too. Today, I am officially saying hello with:

tadcarpenter1. The happiest whale (Silkscreen on wood by Tad Carpenter).

eggpress2. The sweetest blue bird (Letterpress note card by Eggpress).

3. The friendliest jewelry (Sterling silver necklace by Joanna Rutter).

tastysuitehello4. The cheeriest wall art (Vinyl Decal by TastySuite).

blancuchabonjour5. The cutest monsier (Color print by Blancucha).

I feel much better now that you've been properly greeted. See you here next week, friends!

Jan Halvarson

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Tania McCartney said...

Adorable! I'll be back for more lists... :)

Leah said...

Hello! I love your list!

Antje said...

Dear Andrea, that´s interesting since I just posted the other day it seems to be a time for lists and of course I posted also two lists. Your list makes me smile, specially the cutest monsieur. Would be nice if he would just ring my dorbell, ;-)), love AnnLuise

Mallory said...

if i had a list of awesome lists... this would most definitely be at the top of it. i'm particularly filled to the brim with admiration for the whale & the hello necklace.

chloejessica said...

Love your list and always love your photos! :)

meridith said...

poppytalk and hula seventy all in one place! it doesn't get much better than that!!!!!!!!! yay. :)

Clean & Bright Soaps and Candles said...

what a great list to see this grey and dreary morning!

Conversation Pieces said...

Hello back :)

I love lists – so will be looking forward to more :)

jen jafarzadeh said...

So fun! What a great addition to the blog. I heart Andrea and her lists! Her photos are swell, too.

mixtapezine said...

yip, yip, yippeeeee ms andrea ;)
justine xx

jodi said...

hello there yourself.
wonderful first list for poppytalk.

Relyn Lawson said...

This is a perfect gig for you. Perfect!