Hatching Plans for Backyard Chickens

With the City of Vancouver hatching plans for backyard chickens, something like these Eglu Cubes from Omlet might just come in handy. When I heard of the news, I was wondering how one would even begin to build a coop, learn about what types of chickens to buy etc. But it looks like Omlet has it covered. From feed to breeds, they supply it all (with guides and videos online). Although this company seems to be only in Europe and the U.S., with the wave of eating local, growing your own vegetables and buying local, we're hoping they will appear here soon! (Via Daily Candy)

Jan Halvarson


Anne @ The City Sage said...

Love these! I would love to have chickens in my backyard--though I think the neighbours I share it with might have something to say about it. Maybe if I used my fresh eggs to make them a creme brulee?

Sprout said...

OMG - cute coop!

Jen Singh said...

I love these, but my neighborhood would never allow it! I crave fresh eggs!

jo said...

These are so great!!

Natalie said...

i'm so smitten with these!

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

what an idea. same trend over here in NYC if you can believe it.

Adrienne said...

Oh my goodness -- I love these little coops. Would love to have chickens in my backyard, but sadly they don't last long in our town before they become dinner for raccoons or sometimes even bears. I'll file this away though, for a time I ever make it to a chicken-friendly spot.

Xenotees said...

Those are ALL kinds of awesome!

Dirk said...

Hope PETA hears about it.

This is animal cruelty, the cage is way too small!

Bri said...

Wow, how fun! I love the design, as well as the idea of having chickens. Maybe one day!

lisa solomon said...

i wouldn't know if they are too small, but they are gosh darn good looking!

Rosie's Whimsy said...

Fabulous! I've always wanted chickens. These little houses are so cute :-)

futurowoman said...

I would love to do this! Alas, I do not think my city allows it.

abigail said...

I love these! Ann Arbor just passed a law allowing chickens and I can't wait to get them.

Unknown said...

Dirk! Have you no idea how non-free range chickens are kept? Look into it...the conditions are deplorable and they get no freedom. The idea of these coops is that when you are home you allow them free range. They are placed in the cage area when you are not there. The coop is for roosting at night and they like the small space.

Kirsten said...

You should check out mypetchicken.com for breed information and coop plans (they sell the eglu too). Very comprehensive. I believe you can order chicks from them and they'll ship to Canada. It's a good way to get specialty chicks in small amounts, because they can ship just a few chicks at a time (unlike most places, which have a minimum ordering amount in order to keep the chicks warm enough.)