Fresh Poppies!


Last week at the Handmade Nation screening I had the chance to see Dalhaus's work personally and even loved it more in person. Sometimes photographs just can't give work the justice it deserves but Heather recently had some professional photographs done of her work, and I have to say this is really close to seeing it live. I'm a fan of her poppies series, so fresh and well, who doesn't love poppies? You can see Heather's work this month (and next) in our Poppytalk Handmade market, or visit her etsy shop here.

Jan Halvarson

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♡Shayla♡ said...

oh, those are adorable! they'd just brighten a room up wouldn't they. <3

jo said...

seriously...nothing is better than seeing work in person! love it.

Melissa Blake said...

Those are so beautiful!

found paper co. said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I love, love those colors.

Erin Dollar said...

They are absolutely gorgeous, and I am mesmerized by the perfect match of the flower on the vase with the flower IN the vase. Amazing product photography!

Unknown said...

Yeah Heather! What a talented lady, some of my favourite pottery comes from her!!! xoxox

dahlhaus said...

Thanks for the lovely comments, everyone:) Heather