Hulaseventy Loves Lists: Ode to Wooster Collective

by Hulaseventy

Wooster Collective, I love you. You are always there when I need a solid global street art fix. Which is pretty much all the time. This giant paint chip collage seen on the streets of Edmonton, AB makes me terribly happy. I think I would cry happy tears if I stumbled onto a piece like this in my town. I really would.

From the streets of Turin, Italy: Fantastic portraits of muslim women drawn and colored (freehand) by artist BR1.

From the streets of Athens, Greece: This Beautiful stencil work by artist Boxi.

And from the streets of Toronto: Completely brilliant pocket planters by artists Sean Martindale and Eric Cheung. Made from torn advertisement posters. Genius, absolute genius.

Posted by Hulaseventy

Jan Halvarson

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kristina said...

i'm with you! i'm swooning over that paint chip wall art

betsy said...

I, too, am in love with the Wooster Collective! I love the idea of celebrating the beauty of a city with public art that inspires and allows us to see our cities in new ways while literally changing our seemingly humdrum boring landscapes!

lisa solomon said...

ah hula... you + street finds = good

Wooster said...

Thanks so much for the nice comments about the Wooster site. We love updating it every day. It' inspiring for us too!

Marc and Sara (Wooster Collective)