Reading Frenzy presents Kate Bingaman-Burt's Obsessive Consumption

reading frenzy - kate bingaman burt

Looks like a fun show if you're in the Portland area tonight! Portland's newest and coolest assistant professor and illustrator, Kate Bingaman-Burt is asking people to bring in their favorite (smallish) object and/or something they purchased today (even a receipt from their wallet) and she will draw it tonight for free at Reading Frenzy. We were lucky enough to get a few shots from some of the show and of the installation that took place yesterday!

All of Kate's daily drawings will be on sale along with 41 issues of her monthly Daily Drawing Zine: What Did You Buy Today (February 2006 - June 2009) - multiple copies of each.

She also has made up three special edition zines and several new drawings (in color) that will be hanging on the wall in frames. Be sure to look up for the HUGE paper chain hanging from the ceiling featuring Obsessive Consumption Money. Kate said she had an amazing crew of Portland State kids helping her yesterday, and that she can't believe the support that they gave and all the awesome work they did! Go Portland State!

The show is at 921 SW Oak, Portland, OR and opening reception is at 6:00 pm - 9 pm. The show will run for the entire month of July! You lucky Portland people!

reading frenzy - kate bingaman burt
reading frenzy - kate bingaman burt

A drawing of a purchase that Kate made at Reading Frenzy. They are running their 500 Friends of Reading Frenzy drive and they need all of the help they can get as far as raising money and awareness for awesome independent book and zine sellers. (
reading frenzy - kate bingaman burt
reading frenzy - kate bingaman burt Reading Frenzy: / PSU Graphic Design! / PSU AIGA / Kate's research / Kate's blog

Jan Halvarson


Kitchen fitter in Faversham said...

This a brilliant idea I hope they get a lot of support, the drawings are fantastic!!

samantha hahn said...

wish I could jet over to portland!