Giveaway: Letterpress notes by Bread of Many


Bread of Many is offering a giveaway here today! This awesome pack of 10 letterpress flat notes with envelopes. They are brand new and haven't even debuted in her shop yet, so we're getting a sneak peek as well! To enter please leave a comment here at this post on which your favourite item is in her etsy shop and we'll choose a winner at random on Friday! Comments will be accepted until Thursday 11:59 pm. (All entries need to include an email address to be eligible - this is for making it easier for us to contact you only). Thanks and good luck!

Jan Halvarson

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Mette said...

I dont usually give giveaways a chance, but this time I had to! :) Letterpress is so beautiful and air balloons are my favorites. :)

My fave from the etsy show has to be the mini note passing kit, cause I love notebooks. :)

hm.. first commenter. #1 is never a good random number, is it. ;P oh well. Ps - nice new design on the blog, btw! I like.

Jacquie said...

I love 'Hush' - they're all fab though.

melissa kaye said...

Her shop is simply adorable! Too many cute things, its so hard to pick just one favorite. I really like the Happy Day note flats. ;)

~Melissa Kaye

Traci said...


Ooh my favourite is her 'Sweetie pie' greeting card... How nice it would be receiving this beautiful stationery in the mail!




Rhianne said...

ohhh, they are all lovely but I love the Happy Day flat note set.

Polly Rowan said...

I love the giraffe and also the sweetie pie greeting (I couldn't choose!) :)

cerebral e said...

A Gentleman's Needs pin set is my favourite!


(Haha, the word verification below says "poopy.")

Anonymous said...

I like the King Cup and Glow Worm thank you card. So cute!

alicia.mccarthy at

Mirjam said...

I like the sweetie pie greeting card the most :)


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love SOUPY and SOAPY!! Funny!

Laura said...

As a knitter, I just can't resist the HUSH note cards... They win out over 'A Gentleman's Needs', but just barely!


Lara said...

I love the Happy Days note set--I love giraffes!!

L xx

Jessica said...

The giraffe with a balloon!


Zoë Yule said...

Hehe, love the whimsy of all her stuff. I love the cosmic egg note set the most, though Scott's narwhal is calling me too. Love the balloons!

orange sparrow said...

so wonderful! I'm particularly dranw to "Come over please" invitations... adorable and a line I would say all the time (and still do...) :)

Johanna said...

Thank you for sharing this! I'm definitely planning on stocking up on these awesome note cards. Love the Wassup cards and come over invites, but I'm pretty fanatical about hot air balloons too. So hard to choose!

emilia said...

so good!
i love the "come over please" fill-in invites and the sweetie pie greeting card.
i am a slight stationery addict so discovering stuff like this is a joy!

Anonymous said...

i love the custom wedding invites the best, and also the hazel arms. this is a nicely meshed little shop of oddities! thanks for showing this!

Jamie said...

I love the moon invites--thinking those would be great for the hubby's birthday. This is a lovely prize btw...


Sheena and Brian's Family said...

I love the sweetie pie note- brought a smile to my face! :) And I'm pretty much in love with those balloons. :)

more is jess said...

The "come over please" invitations are divine. They are the perfect excuse to have a party.


juniperberry said...

I love their COSMIC EGG note set. Just too sweet.

juniperberrydesign (at) yahoo (dot)com

Fiesta Saurus Rex said...

If I had to pick just one I'd have to pick the Cosmic Egg Note set

But really I'l just pick them all :)

Anonymous said...

It's a toss up between the cheery giraffe or the wassup note. Both are so whimsy and sweet.
Jen N.

Anonymous said...

drat - forgot my email.
Jen N.

ellisondrive @ gmail . com

Meryl said...

Definitely the "Cosmic Egg" set!

sfer said...

The hush note set... knitting is always a favorite with me! :-)

Thanks for the opportunity! These letterpress also look amazing...

librosfera at gmail dot com

Allison said...

so hard to choose! i really like the 'hazel hands' notecards and the 'merci merigolds.'

thanks for arranging the giveaway!

Ariel said...

The Wassup notes are too cute!! Love her shop!

Melanie Lytle said...

Love the Happy Day note set. Makes me want to make a visit to the zoo!

Rosemary said...

I'm OBSESSED with giraffes! They're the craziest animals! I love the Happy Day note set.


pistolheart said...

LOVE the RECKLESS PUMPKIN note set...can't wait to move so that i can invite people over with some of these notes. thanks for sharing, poppytalk.

Patricia said...

Cosmic Egg note set is my pick!

Now that random number generator just has to pick me!

pmariani21 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I just featured Bread of Many on my blog today! :)
I absolutely love Love LOVE Haley's Mini Note Passing Kit. It will be mine.
What a great giveaway! Thank you!

Jennifer T. said...

The Note Passing Kit is my favorite on her Etsy site as well-followed closely by Cosmic Egg.

I'd have to say my all time favorite is the giveaway though. Love the hot air balloons and am obsessed with letterpress!

Amelia Catherine said...

I love the cosmic egg note set! All the designs are wonderful! I definitely want a letter press of my own!!

Kelly said...

i have big love for her Come Over Please invites


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I like the "Cosmic Egg" in the shop too!

thatsagoodmeatball at yahoo dot com

CheyneCuts+Collects said...

cosmic egg... although it was a very difficult choice! What lovely items!

cutoutcollect (at)

Anonymous said...

I think the custom wedding invitations are the prettiest.. but the note passing kit is super great also.


LoopdiLou said...

I gotta admit... It's a toss up for me between Scott's Narwhal and the Mini Note Passing Kit. I want it all! :)

Amy said...

I like the note-passing kit :)

anne said...

LOVE the mini note passing kit!!!


Birdcage Cards said...

Oouuu, what a fun giveaway! I'd love to write some notes on those lovely letterpressed flats.

Favorite item in the shop, hands down, is the Hazel Arms flat note cards. They're great! {Psst, did you see my not so subtle play on words? Yeah, I like to entertain myself - alot.}

And I adore the new blog look too; clean, easy on the eyes and love the tape!


Gina Hyams said...

So many lovely items. I especially like the "you make me so happy" card.

Nicole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...

I love the hazel arms notecard set & the custom invites. those are so adorable!!

nicolemduquette ATgmailDOTcom

Melanie said...

Definitely the Come Over Please invitations. But everything is lovely!

evince design said...

i heart paper . . . ALL paper . . . but especially letterpress! i design stationery and invites for my clients and rarely get any for myself. i'd love to win these for my own personal selfishness. :)

meowsk said...

Fav is definitely Merci Marigold thank you card. I have a thing for birds.

c.m. said...

oooh! it was so hard to decide, but i love the merci marigold notecard (almost as much as i love these giveaway cards). pick me! pick me!

Lisa said...

oh - lovely prize!

I love the sweetie pie greeting card, but I'm mushy like that. =)

lisabrideau at yahoo dot com

Charmaine said...

The mini note passing kit is an instant favorite! Reminds me of me and my girlfriends passing notes at class. :]

alissa said...

Glad to learn of this wonderful shop... I fav'd it on etsy :)

While the Note Passing Kit is nothing short of inspired, my favourite is the You Make Me So Happy card. I love handwritten correspondence and this card is too sweet to pass up!

Heather said...

I am swooning over the Note Passing Kit, and her letterpress looks so rich. Beautiful designs.

Anonymous said...

Love the new set and the Come Over Please. Reminds me of grade school and inviting friends over! So fun and happy.

Jenny T

Elena Rosenberg Wearable Fiber Art said...

What a nice shop! I like the MERCI MARIGOLD thank you card :)

Micaela said...

i'm in LOVE with the COSMIC EGG note set.

i'm in love with her intricate details.

thanks for the chance! xo

here's hoping! :)

justhappilyeverafter said...

I adore letterpress and pretty paper and these are perfect. My favourite from breadofmany's etsy shop is the Happy Day giraffe set!

Natalie Jane said...

How adorable would it be to have a girl's night using the COME OVER PLEASE fill-in invitations. Love everything.

caitlin said...

wow. really, really amazing shop! im a sucker for all things letterpress and the weird narwhal really stole my heart. close second is these hot air balloons.

caitlin 1e at hotmail dot com

Rasmussen Family said...

The Air Balloons are definitely my favorite. I love the blue.

Sarah said...

Yay! I love bread of many! Her narwhal cards are my favorite, and I would love to own these too. superheroemu [at] gmail [dot] com

Mr Yen said...

i love her Reckless Pumpkin note set!

lonetree72 said...

I love her HAZEL ARMS flat note set.

Meghan said...

I am all about the Scott's Narwhal greeting card. I love everything she has but that one card cracks me up.

So much so that I bought it!



Anonymous said...

I really like the cosmic egg note set. But I think I like the new set which is given away even more.
Hope I can win it :-)

marie l.

Kayla said...

I love The Reckless Pumpkin. Creepy, but in a great way!

Caroline said...

definitely the cosmic egg note set! sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

the reckless pumpkin, everyone needs one like this one

seventeenroses [at] hotmail [dot] com

cari said...

I love hot air balloons. Lovely!

My favorite from her shop is the mim note passing kit, because when I was in middle school my BFF and I had a similar system. Only it was ugly and spiral-bound. The kit makes me want to send her letters back and forth again!


Whittron said...

I like the save the dates! I love letterpress!

Jes said...

I love the please come over invites. I could use these for my housewarming party.

Unknown said...

well, haley knows i love everything she does, so there's really no point in choosing a favorite, but since i want to be a legit giveaway entrant, i'll play along... i love the note passing kit. genius!

julie -

Erin W said...

Oooh if I were getting married any time soon I would totally want the Custom Wedding Invitations!

tamsin said...

Happy Day flat note set! A giraffe, with a balloon! That's two of my alltime favorite things right there. x (email tamsinworrad at gmail dot com)

Addie said...

Happy Day is really pretty!


Kaitlin Wainwright said...

Happy Day flat notes: I love me some giraffes!


Anonymous said...

I especially love the cosmic egg notepaper. I love both the visual and physical texture of the waves and water. Beautiful!

Lee Kottner


Anonymous said...

they are all so lovely! But I think I heart the Sweetie Pie note the best...


Funky Finds said...

I love the SWEETIE PIE greeting card!

Anonymous said...

I really like the cosmic egg note set. But I think I like the new set which is given away even more.
Hope I can win it :-)

marie l.

(I am afraid I forgot to give my e-mail in my first comment. Maybe you can delete it ? Sorry.)

heather said...

just saw some in motion this weekend. would love to capture them with letterpress!

Unknown said...

please,pleaseeeee...i want those letterpieces....
from etsy, i love leaving notes everywhere, so i like black and white note set.
mi mail:

grace said...

i love the happy days and sweetie notes :)

Sharon said...

I love the sweetie pie note card! They're all lovely and whimsical!

grace said...

yes pleaaasseee!

Anonymous said...

wow - just beautiful! i love the balloons. is there anything letterpress can't do?


3 o'clock walk said...

My fave item is the Gentlemans Needs Pin Set. I would love to win this! I have a thing for hot air balloons :)


amber said...

I want these!

My favorite other products are either the "You smell like a weird Narwhal" card, because Narwals are AWESOME or the pennant party invitations that say "Come over Please".


Sophie Warden said...

I love letterpress!! hats off to bread of many for this lovely illustration.

My favourite thing on her etsy shop has to be her custom wedding invites. Having worked in a wedding invite shop, i'm obsessed with all wedding stationery and Haleys design is amazing! I love her lettering and the colour choices, especially the envelopes, they are gorgeous. Hope i win these lovely notecards xx

Milan said...

I'd completely forgotten about hot air balloons until now -- what a great letterpress print.



Morgan said...

Love the Happy Day giraffe cards! So bright and cheerful!