One-of-a-Kind Show Wrap-up (Part One - Student Works)

kate beckett1

This weekend was the One of Kind Show here in Vancouver and so I headed out on a very crisp fall Sunday afternoon to check it out. One of my favourite things about going to the show is seeing the new student work highlighted there in a special "school section". And this year didn't disappoint. Starting off from Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Top (and just below), ceramic miniature bottles/vessels from Kate Beckett, in a creamy white and blue glaze (a show favourite)! No website. All artists can be contacted through the school. Click here for contact info.


(Below): Ceramic milk bottle and demi-tasse cups by Diane Espiritu. Emily Carr University of Art and Design

diane espiritu2
diane espiritu

(Below): Ceramic pendant by Gabrielle Burke, Emily Carr University of Art and Design

gabrielle burke

(Below): Anna Carruth - ceramic cups. (they looked so much more cooler in person). Emily Carr University of Art and Design

anna carruth

(Below): Evann Frisque, Textile artist, Kootenay School of Arts, Selkirk College; email: efrisque1[at]hotmail[dot]com

evann frisque4
evann frisque2
evann frisque3
evann frisque

Guitar wall hooks/hangers and coat hooks by Eric MacLellan (contact eric_yukon[at]hotmail[dot]com), Kootenay School of Arts at Selkirk College

eric maclellan
eric maclellan2

Jan Halvarson

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1 comment:

youwonteverknow said...

Thank-you for showcasing Emily Carr's work! We strove to exhibit excellent work this year and I think that we managed it :D

For more information about my work, check out: