One-of-a-Kind Show Wrap Up - Part Two (Hob Snobs)

hob snobs trio2
Continuing on with our One of a Kind Show wrap up, congratulations goes out to the Hob Snobs Craft Collective for receiving the "Best Booth" of the show. Hob Snobs is (from left to right) Valerie Thai of Cabin + Cub, Sasha Berry of Track and Field Design and Jeannette Ordas of The Beautiful Project (who's also a contributer here at Poppytalk every Wednesday offering up her Yummy Treats from Everybody Likes Sandwiches).

Below, Cabin + Cub's (even more beautiful in person) limited edition mixed media collage prints which look amazing in Ikea frames. (I bought the two bird prints myself).

cabin and cub
cabin and cub3
cabin and cub2

Below: Fun and clever paper goods from The Beautiful Project. I picked up the "Tidings of Comfort and Joy" cards.

the beautiful project
the beautiful project2
the beautiful project

Track and Field Design had fun messenger and laptop bags, pillows, broaches and pouches. I picked up the small plaid messenger bag (bottom photo).

track and field2
track and field 3
track and field

Booth Tip: I loved their idea of getting a vinyl decal made for their logo (they sent a digital file to a printers) and then just applying it to a painted light blue wall at the back of the booth. This was really effective (and affordable), and pulled their pieces together really well, making their booth look like a mini store.

hob snobs trio4

Jan Halvarson

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Kickcan & Conkers said...

Some nice art work. Love Cabin and Cub's mixed media collages. The kids' ones look really sweet.

lesley [smidgebox] said...

agreed! i loved their booth, it definitely had that boutique feel. and being a fan of all of their work, i loved seeing them do well at the show! congrats ladies

Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

LOVE the Christmas Cards!

Anonymous said...

'knit happens'
love it!

Coco Cake Land said...

oh yes!!! these three ladies and their lovely work are awesome!! sadly i couldn't make it out to the show (dang those cupcakes sometimes!!) but i love the look of their booth!!