Hula Seventy: Starting Over (Sort Of)

by Andrea of Hula Seventy

I've been contemplating change. Actually, I want to change everything. Funny thing is, my home is finally the way I'd like it to be. But now I want to change it, I want to start over. I'll admit, this is not the first time I've had this sort of impulse. It happens more regularly than I'd care to admit and the reality is that I have a life, lots of responsibilities and well, not a lot of money. Plus, there's really only so much you can do with a rental. So I'm looking at different ways to incorporate change. I'm looking at what I have and how I can feasibly mix things up without turning my home (and life) upside down.

When I need major home inspiration, the first thing I do is grab my favorite decorating book, Flea Market Style, and thumb through the pages. It's been my go-to book for years now. I come back to it again and again.

Really, if ever there was a book that accurately represented my personal style, this would probably be it.

I'm endlessly inspired by the colors.

The way each space seems to sing out.

The way unexpected pieces seamlessly come together.

I almost always find something on the pages that sparks an idea.

And that's really all it takes. One idea and I'm off and running.

(The above are photographs (taken by me) of the pages of the book Flea Market Style by Emily Chalmers, with words by Ali Hanan and photography by Debi Treloar)

Jan Halvarson


brandeye said...

ohh i have this book and was just browsing through it last week. it is a great book!

Dominique said...

I'm enjoying the Well-Dressed Home (by Annette Tatum) for ideas at the moment. I'm in the same position you are, my home is (almost) finally the way I wanted to. I'm hoping my dad will let me choose all his wall colors and furniture for his house make-over, a way to avoid spending my money but still having fun!

Kristy said...

I totally agree it is one of my favourite books too. I like Bazaar Style too by Selina Lake.

simple embroidery said...

i loveeeee bazar to :)

Michelle Brunner said...

Oh wow! I want that book! Those pictures were wonderful and make me want to change MY decor now! Maybe I can talk my husband into it....!?

Amy at Little Stinker said...

I'm endlessly inspired by pictures in books and magazines. Now, if I just had the funds to do everything I want :-) I agree also with the rental comment, I live in one too and it's hard... I dread the day I'm going to finally have to paint all these walls back!! Thanks for sharing the book, I'm going to look for it. Looks like great stuff inside.

Anonymous said...

i loved these!

Erin Alaska said...

oh how I love Flea Market Style and Flea Market Decorating from Better Homes and Gardens. Such an inspiration to me as well we I need a little zing in my day.
Thanks for the lovely post!!!

emma @ 50 danska kvadrat said...

Looks like a great book. Probably not in stores anymore?

babelfish said...

Fabulous, I absolutely LOVE that book.

Anonymous said...

I've really gotten into throw pillows lately. So little can have so much impact! See my post here: