Fabric Pennant Wall Decals


These adorable pennants are reproduced from Petit collage's vintage wallpaper collection. Printed on fabric, these wall decals are removable, reusable, and non-wrinkable! Safe for all walls, their decals will not leave any sticky residues...a great way to decorate!


Jan Halvarson


    Melissa Righero said...

    These are very awesome! That's all I need...more to purchase. :)

    MagicMarkingsArt said...

    what a great concept! never occurred to me to cut up wall paper for wall design purposes. I'm feeling a little Eric Carle inspiration coming.

    Anonymous said...

    I was actually this weekend gathering fabric bits to make one of these of my own!

    Erin said...

    What a great way to display all different kinds of patterns and colors!

    Ludmila {CreamyLife.com} said...

    So great idea! I see that wall decals are more and more popular these days!

    Unknown said...

    love it! great for dressing up a white wall!

    Lulu said...

    these are super cute and colorful! i love them =]


    shopgirl said...

    I just checked their website out and I'm loving their shop!

    Thanks and wishing you all a happy week!

    Kickcan & Conkers said...

    What a great find!

    Colleen / Inspired to Share said...

    Oh I love these!! Thanks for sharing!