Travel: La cachette {Rennes, France}

La cachette (the Hiding) is a very charming vacation rental studio apartment with a loft located in the historic center of Rennes, France. The space was recently renovated (2010) featuring a fully independent kitchen, bathroom with shower and loft bedroom. Perfect for one or two people rates include water, electricity and linen change weekly for longer stays. Starting at €60 for one night and €300 for a week. See more here.

Jan Halvarson


    Unknown said...

    How honest and gorgeous; only wish I had the time & Euros to go relax in such a charming chambre...

    Kickcan & Conkers said...

    thanks for this address, I'll keep it. It's everything I love.

    Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

    This space makes me go OOOOOOO. Love it! Especially the grey throw pillows they have used to decorate with.

    See Me Everywhere said...

    Wow, I would love to stay in a place like this! Will definitely bookmark this page for when I go travelling :)

    Thanks for sharing!


    second storie said...

    That bed is like a dreamy little cocoon :)

    Christina Song said...

    i love it, it's so charming. definitely liking the use of space!

    Anonymous said...

    that place looks so idealic.

    shellie said... pack my bags right now if i could!