Weekend Project: Recovering Chairs w/Oil Cloth

Once I recovered some 50's era chairs we had using a shower curtain. The oil cloths back then were all very granny-like and I had found the perfect motif on a cheap shower curtain. It was super affordable and they actually looked pretty rad at the time. But now with all the great designs out there, and if you have kids, oil cloth is a great way to cover your dining/kitchen chairs to protect them from all the inevitable spills. Last week contributer and stylist Heather Cameron did a DIY on her's for HGTV blog. Click here and here to see.

Jan Halvarson


    Fiona Cartolina said...

    You just gave me a brilliant idea - thank you!
    I want to make some weather proof bunting to hang around our market booth -pretty colours etc. I had thought of oil cloth but now I think I could use shower curtain fabric - waterproof and durable - way cheaper and more options great idea.!

    Chloe said...

    this is fantastic, thankyou! It'd be great for the chairs in the studio too =)

    Chloe x

    Plantress said...

    what a great idea. There are so many fun fabrics in oilcloth now!

    Melissa Righero said...

    Such a great idea...especially with kids (Like me)

    Kalee said...

    What a fabulous idea!

    rebecca said...

    beautiful fabric on the chair.

    Unknown said...

    wow those are sooo pretty! i so wish our landlord would let us paint our house so i could paint the walls white.. really makes the colors pop!

    Brenda Williams said...

    A couple of years ago I recovered seat cushions on my daughter's dining room chairs with some nice fabric she really liked. Since she has 5 boys, spills are always an issue. I created something similar to oil cloth by coating the fabric with 3 coats of polyurethane. It worked great and gives you a much bigger selection of fabrics as you can use any smooth fabric.