Inspiration: A Blue Bedroom

I've been saving this image as inspiration for quite a while now. Loving the calm blue of fabric surrounding the bed mixed with the different patterns from wallpaper to the cushions. (Ikea, The Old Cinema, Cole and Son). Via Livingetc (April 2010).

Jan Halvarson

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Felicity said...

Dear Ms Poppy, I'm with you on the bed, but am yet to be convinced about the wallpaper, a little too busy-busy for my taste but maybe a little busyness in the bedroom is a good thing no?!?
x Felicity

Felicity said...

....oops, let me clarify, when I said that I was with you on the bed I meant it is truly lovely and it would be my taste too!
x F

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

LOVE that wallpaper!

Hege said...

Oh, some lovely colors, so peaceful but so elegant :-)

beatpie said...

love it!!

Laura @ EdenRose said...

OMG, I love this room!! The blue and white fabric and wallpaper are fabulous xx

Di Overton said...

The bed base if fabulous

Wunderkammer said...

Fantastic. I love everything in it: Fresh and relaxing.

Stacey said...

I love this room, the different textures, patterns, everything!

silentai. said...

love that bed! not sure if the blue is for me but, i can definitely appreciate it! the patterns & texture sure are pretty!