Wall Bubbles

Loving these wall bubbles spotted over at Flora Grubb Gardens this weekend. The vase is hand-blown into a bubble shape, with a small hole on the back for hanging flowers, plants, and terrariums or aeriums (a word they came up with to describe their terrariums that have no earth); using Tillandsia (air plant) and a collection of little living things collected from the forest floor. Flora Grubb Gardens sells these aeriums online and ships them fully assembled. Click here for more info.


Jan Halvarson

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Anne-Marie @ 10 Rooms said...

I LOVE those! heading over there now..

Renee said...

Wow these are awesome. Love them!

Anonymous said...

love these! what a fabulous idea!

Jessica said...

This is brilliant. I cannot keep vases out because my cat will either eat or knock over the contents. These could be hung far out of reach!

Alli said...

I absolutely love this idea! So great with kids and pets and anything else where the vases get hit with balls, dog tails, etc. LOVE!!!

blackdahliadesigns said...

Gorgeous! I've been looking for something to hang on my walls as I'm out of art (for now) and this would be perfect! Great find :)

becka said...

Oh, these are so great!! I love how subtle they are, so beautiful.

b said...

these are super lovely. however i too have a problem with my cats digging into my terrariums. perhaps if you put this up high enough it will do the trick!

Courtney Dirks said...

Absolutely love these! I would love to see one with a tiny gold fish inside! Probably wouldn't work, but we can all dream, right?

Charlie said...

These are amazing - I have been trying to decide how to display my air plant and you have given me the solution! thanks.

Coco Cake Land said...

eeks!! those are adorable...

Ni said...

Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!