Cards by Dani Press

I love this story of how a business was born by Dani Press: "My friend Dylan and I were on our way to Easter lunch, riding rickety bikes through dutch countryside. He had flowers in hands to give to our hosts, and in this really perfect moment, he threw both his arms out and they looked like wings. Luckily, I caught the shot. I immediately looked at the photo and thought, "That could be a card", and that is the exact moment the scales tipped from thinking to doing and six months later, it was the photo for my very first card."

With her own photography from around the world, Dani of Dani Press creates these little cards that are both inspiring and reminiscent of cards from the 70s. Check her out on the internet, here, here and at our market this month, here!

Jan Halvarson

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Yuri said...

This is so incredibly beautiful. Yay for spotlighting such great finds - can't wait to check out more of her work.

Kastles said...

Go Dani! I just picked up some of her cars at Chicken Scratch on whyte ave in Edmonton. There was a lady there reading them, crying and laughing all at the same time.
<3 Kastles

SoOhCliché said...

Very inspiring :) Thanks for sharing !

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

love these! isn't it great when light-bulb moments like that happen, what a great story. ♥