Inspiration: Home Office Workspace

A little workspace inspiration for your tuesday morning. 

2. Joanna Parkin (via Vol.25

3. Joanna Parkin (via Vol.25

Jan Halvarson

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Unknown said...

I love this! In fact, last weekend while I was pondering on the look of our bedroom (see below), I thought the 4th image would be great to store all our DIY tools in a nice, stylish one, except that right now, I only have space on the top floor which wouldnt really practical!

Jan Halvarson said...

Bodie and Fou - totally - i like the tags on them too.

Unknown said...

if you've got to work, well hell, an office such as the top image is going to make the whole experience far more gratifying me thinks...

carolyn said...

oh i adore that first office. thanks for the inspiration :)

Elizabeth said...

Number 1 is incredible. I love those old drawers above the desk.

Kate said...

I LOVE that first image, what a beautiful space to work in! Although you can tell how old the image is, look at that hunkin' Mac Book on the desk, and a fax machine!? Love it...

My Owl Barn said...

I love these spaces. The first and the last one have some of my favorite things like lots of storage space.

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Love all the organised boxes in the last one, Jan!

Misty said...

Beautiful. I love the looser interpretations of "home office" and the creative use of materials. I adore the wall covered in tissue patterns.

Moocy said...

Love that first photo. I'm constantly on the hunt for some awesome storage like that!

Isaiah Maldonado said...

that second space is awesome, we'd have to add so much storage space for our clutter-bums.

sweetlifeinthevalley said...

I love that top office. I have been looking for some filing drawers like the ones in the photo.

Unknown said...

These are such inspiring photos - I need to redecorate pronto!

Mariella said...

I especially love the first gives such a warm feeling, it would be awesome to work in this space...

designchic said...

Almost makes me want to work...

Jacob Sebastian said...

It's very inspiring! I like the second photo, it's simple but also serious, right? And the third photo, that ball is used as a chair, isn't it? Creative!

Beverly said...

Oh I really like the green closet office. I could really see that in my home. Love it!

Queenbee said...

oooo. This article came just at the right time as I will be redecorating the studio here next week.
Such lovely inspiration.
i love the cool simplicity of room 2! They have given me a lot to think about.
Thank you.

Twiggs said...

These workspaces are amazing... some of them i like more than others, which is normal, but the ones i like... i love... i really wished for something like that! the first one was a killer for me, loved those vintage drawers! beautiful inspiration! take care! twiggs