Inspiration: Video Interview with Amy Rice

This is a little gem. An inspiring video interview with one of my favourite artists, Amy Rice.

Amy sent this little email gift to me today and I just had to share. There are several aspects that she (and now, I) thought you would really appreciate; a description and demonstration of a Gocco printer, terrariums, hand-cut stencils, antique paper collecting as well as awesome interior shots of her working studio in the California Building , a former grain mill turned studio building for working artists in NE Minneapolis.

Amy was featured in the latest episode of Minnesota Original: a new weekly series produced by Twin Cities Public Television.

Jan Halvarson


Dennice {Fringe} said...

Amy, you're such a beautiful person! On the inside and the outside. I felt a connection to you while watching this little film. I think we would have so much to talk about :)

Thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you all the best in the New Year!


Brooke said...

Thank you for sharing this! Such a happy and hopeful vision of art and creation for the year to come. She was so open about her work which seems rare - would love to see more videos like this from various artists!

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

i love her method! the box of letters that she incorporates into her art, amazing. everything is so lovely, sentimental and dreamy. i've never seen anything like the Gocco screen printer machine she uses, it's results are astonishing.

letters from her socks is what! incredible. thanks so much for shraing this Jan. it's made my day brighter. ♥

arounna said...

she is so lovely
I really enjoyed watching it - thanks for sharing.
I am also enjoy your most influential series

have a great new years!

Conny said...

Thanks so much for posting this. It was a pleasure to watch and feel like a guest in Amy's studio. Absolutely wonderful. Cheers~

Jan Halvarson said...

Fringe - i feel the same way about Amy, you can tell she would be a sweet friend

Brooke - you're so right, she is so open with her work and how she creates, so glad you enjoyed it as much as I.

Lynn, it made my day brighter too. Something very inspiring from Amy.

Arounna, she is (just like YOU)! and thanks - glad you're enjoying the year end series, it's been fun to make! happy new year's to you!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks Conny! I hope Amy see's all these lovely comments!

SÖPÖ said...

Thank you for showing this interview.
I felt that the way of Amy Rice is like something between printmaking and sculpturing.
I like her way very much!
Kirigami might be close to her way.
And in the video Printgokko(screen printing machine) was so nice for me.
I was using it to make a new year card with my father since 5 years old for about 10 years in Japan.
It reminds me of my childhood in this season!

Amy Rice said...

Oh my gosh. Thank you all for such nice compliments and thank you Jan for posting it.
You can watch other artist interviews at Minnesota Original too. It is a really exceptional series.

Little Fabien said...

great video,thank you!

Margie Oomen said...

i think amy is amazing and although i wasn't that familiar with her work before this video I really could relate to everything she talked about. Happy almost new year Jan and earl.

nicole lecht said...

jan, that was awesome! how amazingly inspirational she is. thanks for sharing.