Cooking Up Something Different For A Spring Centerpiece

A fun alternative for a spring centerpiece.  Wheatgrass grown in a cast iron skillet or a soup can.  Visit Family Chic for the how-to!

Jan Halvarson


    She Can't Decide said...

    oh wow! how adorable and whimsy is that half open can?? I like this!

    sideoats + scribbles said...

    Love the can so much! :)

    Pig and Fish said...

    My kitty would have a feast!! Wheatgrass never lasts long around here, but love the presentation - modern and fresh!

    NOTyourrunofthemill said...

    You had me at the can! How sweet is that!

    Rosa Navas said...

    It looks really nice, I´ll take the idea.

    Jill Franklin said...

    My husband owns a lawn care company...this is Great!

    petra said...

    smile! :)

    Please Note said...

    These are great and I love Family Chic! Thanks for introducing me to it!

    Anonymous said...

    Just came across your blog. Love all the adorable ideas.Looking forward to reading more.


    The Cupboard said...

    What a creative idea! I just love cast iron skillets and plants and the two combined are just brilliant! Thanks for posting!

    Ieva UkanytÄ— said...

    Well, looks really fun.

    Unknown said...

    I love the can!!!