These yummy treats have been making their rounds on tumblr but just had to bring them to you here!  Yum! (Source: kate spade via  circumstance via gastrogirl, via browneyedbellejulie via eclectic recipes). Phew!

Jan Halvarson

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Unknown said...

YES PLEASE!! Those look so fun and tasty.

Danielle said...

Oh no! Those poor little peeps!

The look delicious though.

Blace said...

So Fun! But I would hate to smash the peeps. It's hard enough biting their heads off.

Sierra said...

I need to show my mom these, she is such a peep nut!

Anonymous said...

Even the title of your post made me go "EEEEEEKKKKK!"

And then the visual... pretty, brightly coloured, sweet and happy melted peeping baby chicks...

Nope. Can't do it.

And I'm a carnivore!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I never though of this! I am definitely making these!

Katie said...

My little girl has never had smores (or Peeps for that matter) so we may have to try these this week. Thanks for the idea!

Sherry Ward Designs said...

Disturbing! But cute.....

smiley said...

oooooooh!!! I think I will try them with WHITE chocolate!!!

@Katie...your poor lil girl is deprived!!! please get her some Peeps asap!! lol

Anne said...

yum yum! Where can I find those little peeps?

Jan Halvarson said...

anne -

Please Note said...

I love peeps!!! I want to make these right now!

The Veda House said...

Really!!! How come I never thought of this. I love peeps AND smores. It's the perfect combination. Thanks for enlightening me!

Pinecone Camp said...

I love it! I can honestly say I've tried it too. Sooo sweet...a bit of a tooth rattler. Love these pics.

Kitchen-Dreams said...

A great way to make peeps extra delicious!

Mandy Behrens said...

Fantastic! I'll be sure not to tell my peeps about this. ;-) Cheers, Mandy

Burnt Mill Candles and Soap said...

how creative is that! I am going to have to try that.

Lisa McGee said...

So much fun! Can't get peeps here in Ireland- these look fab
Happy Easter

Chelsea said...

I featured this post in my weekly roundup of my favorite links this week.

thanks for the inspiration!

have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

Wow it looks delicious! I just ate some :D

fine little home said...

i don't even like peeps but these are adorable! although they do look kind of sad all squished up.
my boys would still love them!

posted them on my blog, thanks!