Spring Colours Week (Friday | White)

Crab Apple in bloom

Spring Colour Week has been simply amazing. Thank you to everyone for participating; you have inspired us all and I haven't seen my blog more beautiful with all your beautiful photo's this week, truly! I'll be back later today with a summary, and until then, feel free to visit the beautiful whites popping up all day here.

sleeping in

magnolia, full bloom.

snow flower

my mother's linen

Jan Halvarson

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melissa said...

i love seeing how everyone plays along with the colour week- these white photos are especially beautiful.

Suzy said...

ooooh finally spring is arrived, nice pictures!

Lady Grey said...

What a delicious week of colourful photo sharing! Thanks so much for letting us all participate. The photos are all so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love bright colors - but there is always something so clean and refreshing about white. Love these images!

Cool stuff art gallery said...

Love the photos so clean a fresh looking!

Alexandra Snowdon said...

Beautiful! Love the leaf print.

Pinecone Camp said...

These are all beautiful, but I really love the feet and the clothes peg.

Anonymous said...

totally lovely white