Weekend Project: Summer-ize Your Home

Add new summer pillows and rugs (or wallpaper). vtwonen

Spring weather is so unpredictable, I think it even snowed south of us yesterday, so maybe it's a little early still to be out in the yard or balcony working this weekend for some of us, so why not start summer-izing inside?  It's one of my favourite spring pastimes (seriously).  Brightening up a space with new colours and accessories for me is a complete pick-me-up after a long dark winter. I'm thinking new summery pillows and rugs (even wallpaper), colourful baskets for a new wall display perhaps, paint the piano... the list goes on. What's your favourite spring pick-me-up?

Hang some colourful summery baskets.  Photo: Jitske van Leeuwen for vtwonen
Paint a piano:  Photo from  Addicted 2 Decorating via Pinterest

Jan Halvarson

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BananaSaurusRex said...


Anonymous said...

i want that couch!

Jess Marshall said...

oh my this is so lovely, that piano looks amazing!

meenal @ maison marigold said...

beautiful! my fav spring pick-me-ups are fresh flowers..nothing spells spring quite like them..xx meenal

Amy - Pride of Place said...

I love those baskets on the wall. Fantastic idea that makes me think of spring and summer!

Micaela said...

i LOVE the wallpaper, especially since i can't seem to keep anything alive ;)

NowSoLA Vintage said...

I'm in love with the texture and whimsy of the colored baskets! Great find!

Francesca said...

Fabulous! I love the first one - those beautiful blooms!

Zoe said...

Oh my!! can i own each of those rooms please in my house! They are beautiful.

Zoe xx


Pearl said...

Beautful! Love the paino pic. I pinterest it!


georgina said...

Hi does any one know where i can find the colorful woven baskets ? I searched the vt wonen site , but was not able to find them. Many thanks, georgina.

Jan Halvarson said...

That blog post is 2 years old Georgina and vt wonen would be your only solution for this. Sorry.