Font Friday!

The Lost Type Co-Op is where talented designers contribute fonts and people can then download them for whatever amount they feel they're worth. You can type “0"″into the box and get them for free or send them $5. It’s up to you. What's great is that the designers receive 100% of the funds.  (Via Public School ).

Jan Halvarson


wood & wool stool said...

n e l m a

is a funcky, female and fab font!

fee @ chipper nelly said...

cool idea - can't get enough of fonts! (particularly drawn to circus style) Off to have a nosey
fee x

FWD said...

Love these fonts. Thanks for the info!

Unknown said...

How useful! Seriously - that's lovely :)

Flotsam Friends said...

Wonderful idea. I love that last font. Pruxxx

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing this--love the concept and can hardly wait to do a little shopping.