Fun Site: The Burning House

Have you seen this site, The Burning House? If your house was burning, what would you take with you? Although in reality it is a scary thought, it is also a good question and one I'm sure we've all pondered now and again.  It's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. What you would take reflects your interests, background and priorities. Click here to see more and read about the people profiled and what they would take.  (Via Free People).

Jan Halvarson


    Marthaamay O_o said...

    This precaution thought was with me all the time when I was young, the thought scared me too much.. I'd have my best things packed up just in case.. :(

    What an awful thing to have happen, I wish it upon no one.

    Anonymous said...

    This is such a neat website, the premis is awful but very interesting none the less. Great post


    alexandra said...

    If my house was burning, I would take my husband + kids. Everything else can be replaced. I actually lost my home to a fire as a teen, and we took nothing, but ourselves out of the home. The truth is, unless you have what you want to take sitting in a box by the door, you won't have time to go grab it anyways.

    Melissa Righero said...

    That's such an awesome site.

    Motherkitty said...

    I am familiar with "Burning Down the House," and I think it's fabulous. It's interesting to see what people chose to save, and gives insight into what is important to them and who they are.

    amberlee said...

    thanks for the link, i love this site. I have no idea what i would take... its a hard one.

    Pinecone Camp said...

    Such a great site - love this idea, scary as it may be. ;) I know exactly what I would take! I think I spend too much time making that mental list.

    Vintage Market Place said...

    I am scared to death of this for real but this seems so light hearted

    Well if i could keep my kitties and baby in a box to grab...but I think that is frowned I would just have to hope for the best :0

    Jasmine said...

    that's a cool site thanks for sharing! I have no idea what i'd grab... don't really have that many things that i value above life!


    c and d said...

    thanks for sharing! aside from my family & my hard drive (pictures and more!) nothing else comes to mind right away...