New Summer Product LIne at Yellow Owl Workshop

The folks at Yellow Owl Workshop just launched their summer product line today featuring heaps of Yellow Owl Workshop goodness including my favourite, these fun gift tag stamps (above) To/From Mixtape and (below) To/From Gift Tag Stamp Set.  So much new stuff, check them out on the net:

Jan Halvarson


    paulanna said...

    how much fun want them for pergolina

    Erika said...

    The label stamp! *inlove*

    Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

    Don't they rock?! That bike design sure has to be a fave with those coloured spokes!

    annie said...

    OH man! I have to have that gift tag stamp!

    sarah nadine said...



    Anonymous said...

    I love absolutely everything on here &;hearts

    Lucy x

    monster cakes said...

    This shop is incredible! I'm in love with the new pendants. Thanks for sharing! I'm beginning to check your blog multiple times a day for your great finds. It's unhealthy. ; ) Keep up the good work!

    Hilary said...

    Their stuff is so cute! Thanks for sharing.

    x Hilary

    Jan Halvarson said...

    hey all - thanks so much for commenting! i know i'm hoping to get one of those stamp sets too! & monster cakes - thanks for visiting so much, you made my day!!!!

    Christina said...

    oh my, definitely some new items going on my wish list today!