Summary #SummerColoursWeek: Thursday's Rainbow

I loved the rainbows yesterday, did you?  So many amazing images, and so hard to choose.  I have been down with the chills and a cold (since yesterday) - such a strange time of year to get this isn't it? Hence my delay with posts.  The reds will be coming up shortly - just in time for Canada Day!

Row 1: ShannonShaw, girlhula, girlhula, knitalatte11, xanthe berkeley, mrsjink
Row 2: SappyApple, SappyApple, SappyApple, shutterluvjess, wish upon a starfish, GREY LEMON
Row 3: Lizzie Staley, Lizzie Staley, cindy {k}, wish upon a starfish, wish upon a starfish, shutterluvjess
Row 4: GREY LEMON, sheepsandpeeps, Ben and Sair, Maria Apostolou, trupeach, elisabet ottosson

Jan Halvarson


holly aka golly said...

such a happy burst of color!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! Thanks so much for including us!

Margie Oomen said...

i am sending you some my homemade chicken soup with ginger, lemon and fresh coriander. It always makes us feel better:)

Jan Halvarson said...

thank you margie, that sounds just what i need!

Cindy said...

i think this was the hardest day, so i'm really thrilled to have rainbow city included in this wonderful set. loved this project and seeing all the different interpretations of colour.

hope you're feel better & enjoy your weekend!

Pinecone Camp said...

I think "rainbow" is my favourite colour ;)

DASI GLAM said...

These are my colors: vibrant!