Sunday Reading: Ikea Family Magazine (Summer Issue)

Today I ran into a post of mine from earlier this spring on the the Ikea Family Magazine (spring version), which got me searching out for a more current one.  After a bit of hunting (they don't make this magazine easy to find online) I found their summer issue.  And like the spring version, it's filled with inspiration and decor ideas galore to keep one occupied during a good cup of coffee (or two).  I kind of like this never-ending memory tree idea (above) where one could frame anything from your grandparent's wedding photo to your baby's first pair of shoes, ever-growing and ever-changing.  Heaps of lovely things to look at.  Click here to see.  Happy Sunday!

More reading options? My post today at Babble:  Cottage-Inspired Style
Or my posts from this week you might have missed:
How to Make Your Own Leather Passport Holder
New IKEA 2012 Catalogue - A Quick Glance
Mini DIY Round-Up
Fun IKEA Hack!
A Thank You: Free Printable Summer Gift Wrapping ...
Weekend Project: Ikea Hack Coffee Table

Jan Halvarson

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elisa said...

Lovely. The GB Magazine has a different feel than the US catalog. I love that kitchen (on p.69) and in your photos.

Unknown said...

Love the new take on the family tree! I had to repin it

Momichka said...

great ideas and inspirations. I especially like the family tree under/above the stairs.

Lisa McGee said...

The family tree is definitely my favourite- wonderful idea- hmmm I have a blank wall on my's certainly an idea- not sure what my husband would think though!

Donatella said...

I really like the wall of inspiration... thanks, this magazine is great!

Marcia said...


But, that staircase gives me the heebie-jeebies. You could fall so easily. To me it's worrisome.

Always great to see how folks decorate .... how they incorporate things of value for a family.