New Smiths Posters

Five new Smiths limited edition prints from Hunting Bears mixing a bit of penguin books, The Smiths and a bit of humour!  Check them all out here!  (Via Charlie and Caroline's blog). View more after the jump!

Jan Halvarson


carly said...

wait, did they spell "Sheila" wrong?!

Jan Halvarson said...

huh? i think they did! good noticing!

Donaville Herrick said...

loving the concept, but yeah, kind of a bummer about the typo (even the listing has the same mistake!):

flutterbymama said...

Hey guys,
Thank you for your post about our shop and Smiths Posters. Unfortunately the artist is seriously ill at the moment so the shop has been put on the back burner a little and admin had not been kept up to date. Rest assured the poster has had the typo corrected but it's not been corrected in the listing. I'll get on to it in the morning.

Hunting Bears was started as a little side project when the artist first became ill and it's had to be put on the back burner as his situation has deteriorated. We've had to tackle more pressing issues within the rest of the business as the artist also co ran the Graphic & Web company which we've had to handle solely for quite some time. I'm taking over his position and will be on top of the Hunting Bears shop in the next month or so. So in this difficult situation please just bear with pun intended :)