Inspiration: Holiday Decorating Idea No. 4

Another fun idea - if you're short on space or time this year or for those going away for the holidays but still want inspiration before they leave; draw out a tree on kraft paper, then decorate with a string of lights and a few baubles! Reminds me of the post-it note tree or chalkboard one last year or the wall one from All the Luck in the World we posted about back in '08! (Image from Chatelaine by Virginie Martocq).

Check out our last year's Holiday Decorating posts here!

Jan Halvarson

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Mieko said...

Love this idea! How fun!

lauradeleonardis said...

simple and original idea!

Anonymous said...

wish i would have had this idea in college when i was aching for some holiday cheer! very pretty and fun.

Unknown said...

Love this idea! I recently bought a roll of carpenters kraft paper at a building supply shop- it is chaep- only $6.00 and would be a little more strong- you could even hang ornaments on it. This is such a fun idea!

Zane said...

cute,, love the idea

Dianna said...

What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!

Marieke said...

I love this idea! Was just looking for some alternative christmas tree inspiration and might go for this one this year! love it :0