We Are Looking For Contributors!

Poppytalk is looking for a few good contributors!  This is an excellent opportunity for those who wish to bring more attention to their own work/blog/shops and/or for those who wish to contribute to the design and handmade community.

Poppytalk is a voice for our readers, and so we are looking specifically for Poppytalk readers to apply.  You would be joining an amazing group of contributors such as, Bodie and Fou (France), Camilla Engman (Sweden), Coco Cake (Vancouver), Everybody Likes Sandwiches (Vancouver), Fine Little Day (Sweden), Lisa Solomon (California), Hello Sandwich (Tokyo), Hula Seventy (Portland), Pinecone Camp (Vancouver), Emily Westbrooks (Dublin) and Rena Tom (San Francisco). We are expanding our reach and are looking for a few interested contributors to fill the following:

DIY Contributors (3 - 4 people)

Violet Trundle sewing with a Singer sewing machine at her home in Hughenden, ca. 1925

These amazing talented folks would offer up original and quality DIY's/Tutorials for our equally amazing DIY readers.  We are looking for the "best of the best"; people with an aesthetic similar to ours (check out our DIY section and tutorial section to see what we post about). DIYs/Tutorials would be for home and fashion.  We subscribe to learning how to make things; not copying other's work. See below for more details on how to submit.

Dispatches from Contributors

Photograph of Women Working at a Bell System Telephone Switchboard

Dispatches from contributors would report twice a month (or more if applicable) on happenings design/art-wise (from their specific areas).  Posts such as shop tours, artists, artist's studios, art shows, craft shows, galleries, street art, even just pictures of streets sometimes, etc. Please check our current amazing contributors - Dispatches from Sweden, Tokyo, France.  See below for more details on how to submit.

Canada (one person from each area - and must live in that area)
The Prairies - Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba
Toronto (including all of Ontario)
Montreal (including all of Quebec)
The Maritimes - Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia, Labrador and New Brunswick
The North (Canadian North) - Nunavut, NWT and Yukon Territory

USA (one person from each area and must live in that area)
New York - (including all Eastern US - but preferably based in the New York City area)
Austin - (including all of Texas)
San Francisco (including all of California)
Portland (including all of Oregon and Washington)

Europe (one person from each area - and must live in that area)

The Netherlands
The UK (based in London)
Italy (preferably based in Milan)
France (based in Paris)

Brazil (one person from each area - and must live in that area)
Australia (one person from each area - and must live in that area)

New Product Contributor (based anywhere)
This is a new contributor postition that would help us create posts on new product.  We are looking for 2 - 3 posts per week. These posts are usually small, so it's not a huge committment. See below for more details on how to submit.

Poppytalk Handmade Contributor (based anywhere)
This is a new contributor postition that would help us create posts on vendors at Poppytalk Handmade.  We are looking for 2 - 3 posts per week. These posts are also smaller.

To Submit

Contributors must be able to follow through to a scheduled deadline and commit to 6 months - 1 year. We are looking for people with a good eye, who have been blogging for a bit (at least 6 months), are pretty amazing using a camera and photo editor app and are familiar with the Poppytalk community. 

If you are interested in joining the Poppytalk community of contributors, please email us (to start) specifying for which: "DIY Contributor",  "Dispatches Contributor - City/Country", "New Product Contributor", "Poppytalk Handmade Contributor"  in the subject line here or at poppytalkblog[at]yahoo[dot]ca - please include your name, a link to your blog and shop, a short bio and where you live!

We offer a special contributor compensation package depending on the position and experience.

Update:  Deadline to submit - Friday, January 13/12.  Thanks!

Jan Halvarson


    Katie said...

    Exciting! Are there specific things you'd like us to include in our email? (i.e. links to blog, writing sample, etc?)

    Also, for the US, NY position - does the person have to be in NY but cover anything in the Eastern US? Or can they just be in the Eastern US and cover things that happen in NY and elsewhere?


    Jan Halvarson said...

    Thanks Katie - that would help wouldn't it?

    : )

    please include your name, a link to your blog and shop, a short bio and where you live!

    Preferably New York - to attend the shows there, but we're open to discussing.

    Anonymous said...

    OH, I'm interested in the dispatching posting. I'm an art teacher and illstrator/kids book writer, who lives in Oakland, CA.
    Check out my blog...

    (it's a little slow lately, I'm working on an MA in art Ed. at the moment... almost done, though!)

    Kickcan & Conkers said...

    Shame the French position has to be Paris, the south of France is exciting too :(

    Hazel Terry said...

    Edinburgh???? If ever you need contributions from Scotland I would be very happy to help.

    tinyparticlesoflight said...

    The San Joaquin Valley of California is a place with less profile and visibility but a place of it's own rich culture nonetheless. If you'd ever like a representative from there I would love to do it! :)


    Morgan said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Morgan said...

    Why not have contributors from Africa, Asia, S. America, and Oceania?? I love to see more international, diverse stuff.

    Jan Halvarson said...

    Hazel Terry - Edinburgh! Yes of course! We are hoping to add more cities/countires as we grow. We're starting small. : )

    tinyparticlesoflight - i'll tell our Californian contributor to check that out thanks!

    Morgan - Africa/Oceania - would be nice wouldn't it? I hope to add more as we grow. Asia - we do have Tokyo and would love more - this is just the beginning, but I couldn't agree with you more!!!!

    Unknown said...

    Aww, poor Chicago, left out again like yesterday's bread... ;)

    kara rane said...

    so exciting*! Poppytalk just keeps growing & growing like a lovely flower.. and now a bouquet of flowers.. looking forward to seeing all these new ideas, places, & inspiration.

    Heidi said...

    I'll vote for Minneapolis/St. Paul (Twin Cities) next!

    Both cities have thriving arts communities...with plenty of taxpayer support. We'd (I'd) be happy to share the details :-)

    charlotte* said...

    i live in Munich, Germany, Interested? I will submit the requested details just in case!

    so long,

    dodelinedesign said...

    I would love to contribute!

    Catherine said...

    What an amazing opportunity! I've already sent off my 'application' email.

    Catherine @ The Spring
    A.K.A. Your new Sydney, Australia correspondent extraordinaire!

    Little Paper Trees said...

    sending you an email now Jan, such a great idea. x

    Jan Halvarson said...

    Thank you all so much, it's nice to have this supportive community - you all amaze me!

    Unknown said...

    Here...here...Chicago is quite stylish and has a great art and crafts scene! You don't have a midwestern state represented yet. Pick Chicago too and I'll email you my resume :)

    Sara said...

    I agree with the Midwest contributer. We're the craftiest! Chicago is well established but Detroit has an inspiring art and design scene.

    Jan Halvarson said...

    I think Chicago should be in too - when I put this together - I was thinking more about the trade shows I want coverage from - like the National Stationery Show, the ICFF, Surtax, etc.

    If you wish those interested from Chicago, that wish to have a voice, please email me!

    Arantza said...

    So interesting!!
    I´m an architect from Spain, I´m going to send you an e-mail with some pictures of things I like.

    Col | Hello Olive Designs said...

    Hello, how exciting! I live in Cape Town, South Africa and there are loads of awesome creatives out here. Would love to be able contribute when you decide to include African dispatches.

    Tina / lifeinsketch.com said...

    Hey! This sounds fanstastic! I just sent you an email with all of my information.

    Yarn Love Paris said...

    Hope to join you contributors team one day. Maybe from Paris, where I'll move in April :)

    Good luck for the great job you are doing!

    Unknown said...

    This is very exciting! There will be so much more wonderful Poppytalk!
    I love reading the dispatches. Do materials?
    Thanks, Fiona

    Unknown said...

    That was meant to be asking- Do you have a deadline in mind for receiving materials?
    Thanks, Fiona

    Jan Halvarson said...

    Hi Fiona,

    Thanks for asking - I haven't - but may soon.

    : )

    jacklynn4 said...


    I just sent my email, along with examples of my work. I look forward to hearing from you. What an exciting opportunity!

    Pick me, Pick me!

    Bliss Farm Antiques

    Unknown said...

    Hi, I sent my application. Loove to represent from Italy. I commented some days ago but for some reason it doesnt appear. anyway, best to all and to Poppytalk!
    <3, Kat

    lydie said...

    If you search someone in Belgium, I would be happy to help you! See you... Lydie

    lydie said...

    If you search someone from Belgium, I would be happy to help you. See you... Lydie

    Anonymous said...

    Exciting! I will definitely be applying.