3D Curtains

Image 1 & 4 Eric Klarenbeerk Image 2 & 3 Design Shimmer
Curtains/textiles of landscapes consistng of 2 layers of silk (turning round the order of the net and curtain a 3-dimensional effect is being introduced as a window darkening system.) by Eric Klarenbeerk. Via Design Shimmer.

Jan Halvarson

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Tania said...

Qué buenísima idea! De cara a la primavera, es posible que me anime! Prometo enviar fotos!

Zane said...

amazing idea

natalie said...

those are so beautiful! i would love to figure out a way to make some out of my own photos.

Leslie said...

Amazing! So effective...Some big windows with these curtains billowing in the breeze = perfect!

janavalachovicova said...

Like it! Even it should be shock little bit when you pull curtain off :). First one looks so realistic! Perfect.

parenting articles said...

those curtains are really awesome!:D

parenting articles

Where My Heart Is said...

Clever concept!