DIY: Pretty Painted Pumpkins

I've been waiting for that "special" pumpkin to pop up somewhere this year, and I think I may have just spotted it in the October issue of Chatelaine Magazine.  I never thought it would be pink, but this painted pretty pumpkin is definitely a showstopper.

Suggesting you put down the knife, because painted pumpkins look twice as nice; Chatelaine made these in contrasting pinks and a few others in gold leaf and plaids.  See more (including instructions) on their site here.  (Photos by Roberto Caruso).

Related:  I did a post on a few more pumpkin decorating ideas today at Babble.  Click HERE to see.

Jan Halvarson

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Papus Eddyah said...

these are so cute!

Sonia Otero said...

Qué bonito, ahora que se acerca la época de las calabazas, creo que lo intentaré!!!

her billowing heart said...

it makes me smile!!! :)

Lady Grey said...

Who would have thought?!
And why not, they're absolutely gorgeous!

Candace said...

Gorgeous! And I love the floral arrangement! So pretty and a nice alternative to traditional orange. :)

Heather Belle said...

What an awesome idea! These are so gorgeous!
xo Heather

Vintage Home said...

oh my they are gorgeous!

ginger from the style of being said...

*gasp* My mind is suddenly aspark with endless possibilities. Thanks for sharing!

Erica said...

Oh, so fun! Who says pumpkins have to be orange anyway??! ;)

Kate Jones said...

Such a great idea!! Definitely going to do this!! :D

Mandy said...

I mentioned this on my blog today!


Unknown said...

What type of paint would for this project?

Unknown said...

Cute, indeed! So I guess I have to find some antique pedestals?

Anonymous said...

I will be doing these DIYs this fall! Thanks!