2013 Valentine's Day Cards (Part 2)

Here's Part 2 in our collection of lovely Valentine's Day Cards for 2013. Loving them all, loving them all. So many beautiful colours and illustrations to be inspired by:

1. Amy Marcella  2. Fair Morning Blue  3. Amy Marcella  4. Sugar Paper  5. Humunuku  6. Laura Frances Design  7. Letter C Design

8. sass&peril  9. Thunderpeep  10. d. Sharp  11. Fifi Du Vie 12. PaperSource

Humunuku, Letter C Design, Thunderpeepd. Sharp  and  Fifi Du Vie are both participants at Poppytalk Handmade this month - you can also check them out here.

Jan Halvarson

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Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I'm in love with them all too!

Rachael said...

The "I choose you" one is so sweet! They are all so pretty!

MJ said...

WOW! these are such pretty ones!!!
I love the 'blush' one ;)

-all the best,

Mr. Glitter said...

Love all of these!

Doodle said...

Thank you PoppyTalk, these are lovely. Where can I buy the first anchor card from? Thank you

amy said...

What an honor to be a part of this post! @doodle - the anchor card is available here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/119452507/anchor-notecard

Doodle said...

Thank you very much Amy

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks Amy! You didn't see the link there Doodle?

bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

All I could think of with the "I Choose You" is Pokemon. Oh younger brothers.