collecting magazine inspiration

8ozwu9sni3h73j0i6zl5litkko14easBlackboard painted door, Skonahem

I've been collecting ideas that I've liked from various magazines on and offline and think I have enough now to show for a fair post. All of these carry a common theme of just, "good ideas". yay for magazines!

8tzm9viknb1r5hnfqwi5mhprq33f0pnSLÄTTHULT Frame decals from Ikea, via Skonahem

9tgxyauo0vl86bjwymfxg6jzsr8e03wSweet kitchen shelving and storage, Skonahem

family treeFamily tree idea, Skonahem

hvouivg3dsw4w0ct048m6k5t1ut4f90Sand and pebble filled glass vessels, Skonahem

hhtwoCork sheeted wall makes an impromptu gallery, Canadian House and Home, Makeover Issue (photo by Virginia MacDonald)

hh3Flea market or heirloom serving trays become wall art, Canadian House and Home, Makeover Issue (photo by Michael Graydon).

Jan Halvarson

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Inklore said...

really fantastic inspiration this morning!

Prêt à Voyager said...

I'd never think to use chalkboard paint on an actual door. I love it!


lisa solomon said...

i love groupings. love