Link Love

Loving this autumn collection sneak peek from a surprise supplier.  Can you guess who it is?  Find out at 8 am sharp Hviit time (Norway).

Poppies for Grace - new papergoods arriving from Australia via Family Style

Surfer paintings from House Tour - Samantha and Lindsay's Beach Girl Haven via Apartment Therapy.

Pretty party cocktails from The Sweetest Occasion.

Jan Halvarson


    pa[u] said...

    Lovely cushions !!!
    (first image)

    Katie said...

    The cocktails looks amazing! xo

    Expats Again said...

    Where can I purchase these cushions?

    Jan Halvarson said...

    Expats Again - just click on the link under the image to Hviit - they are in Norway - but they ship internationally.

    Gana said...

    Waowwww! The first pics is soooo magical!!!!!!! I love it!

    Angelia said...

    Love that little table, so much like my sewing table.

    ads said...

    Love the cocktails, never seen any like that, how pretty.

    KAAM {hand-made} said...

    pretty cushions with pretty faces!