Craft Gifts: 25 DIY presents for the whole family!

I created a Gift Guide for Crafts over at Babble this year for their 2011 Holiday Gift Guide. Most of these gifts which range from baby to grandparents are free online resource how-to's and patterns –so gifts that one could make with little or no money!  Use old materials/fabrics you have on hand to make baby headbands, tool-kits for toddlers, custom lift-the-flap-books (using your own pictures), etc.  I hope you'll like it.  And after that check out their entire 2011 Guift Guide, it's quite extensive.

Related:  Stay tuned for a Gift Guide here at Poppytalk soon too - along with a guide we're doing for Etsy as well!  Woohoo!

Jan Halvarson

    1 comment:

    Danielle Hardy said...

    Thanks for the post!! Great ideas :)