Magic Juice: Blood Orange, Lime and Ginger Juice

By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches

I love pink and I love Valentine's Day. I'm a sucker for love and sweetness and all of that gooshy stuff. But I'm not one of those saccharine sweet types either. That's why I love this juice. Not only is it pink, it has bite. Trust me, there's magic in this glass.

Blood oranges are in markets now and they get top marks for citrus in my books. Plus, they're really, really pretty. Though, you most definitely could use pink grapefruit if that's what you've got on hand. You'll also need a couple of limes - I used some fat and juicy limes for added sour zip. But I'll leave the amounts up to you. But don't leave out the fresh ginger because that's where the magic comes from.

So, make this juice up for your special someone (or yourself, cuz you're already way special). A Valentine's breakfast surprise? A little magic to start the day? Yes indeed.

Blood Orange, Lime and Ginger Juice (aka Magic Juice)
(adapted from Lottie and Doof)

The original recipe says to use white sugar to keep the pink vibrant and "charming". Always go for charming! And if you want a little fizz, drop in some sparkling water or club soda for sparkle.

3 tablespoons white sugar
1 cup water
2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger
4-5 blood oranges
2-3 fat limes

In a small saucepan, heat up the water, sugar, and ginger to a simmer, stirring until sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and cool completely.

Juice the fruit and pour the juice into a large mason jar or pitcher. Strain the ginger syrup and pour that in too. Stir well and taste - add more limes or oranges if need be - or a little bit more cold water to thin things out. Chill until cold and serve over ice or keep in the freezer for about an hour to let things get a little slushy.

Jan Halvarson

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Tulips & Tulle said...


Come drop by my blog at Tulips&Tulle!

Erika@placebolife said...

beautiful color! I'm gonna try this recipe, but will swap the white sugar with honey :)

Joanne said...

Just gorgeous!!! I love my drinks tart and my desserts sweet :) Definitely sunshine in a glass.

Lily M said...

How many glasses do you get from this?